Happy New Era 2021!
This year I wanted to start a page sharing my personal writings, understandings and experiences with Life.
In all these examinations, I will try to keep the utilitarian and oh-so-necessary focus of what can be enlightened for the purpose of “Good.”
I know this term “Good” can so quickly divide a crowd religiously and philosophically, and division is not what we need in this time of trial right now. Because of this, I will be using the term “Health” as we explore what it is to live a “Healthy Life”—Heart, Body and Mind.
I do believe the world does has a sickness only Love can heal, and our path to wellness only Wisdom can reveal.
Because of this, I will be leading a deep journey into what Love and Wisdom both are, all for the core purpose of becoming a more fundamentally healthy community.
I will be leading foundational physical health and hygiene practices through my more formal @lionshearthealth Instagram page. On this blog, I will stay closer to the heart by investigating the “Why” behind our “What” that leads and motivates our health journey.
Let’s develop healthier “Bodies” and “Minds” starting at the root—a “Healthy Heart.”
I hope that you can join me in this journey!
– C.Z. Potter