Zac Potter January 11, 2021 Hope for a We in a World Full of I's Zac Potter January 11, 2021 To find our We in this word full of I’s, we must rekindle our intent to Love each other.
Zac Potter January 1, 2021 The World Has A Sickness Only Love Can Heal Zac Potter January 1, 2021 I do believe that Love is the answer to our deepest sickness and Wisdom is the way to pursue True Love. Because of this, they will be the first light I will seek in this story.
Zac Potter January 1, 2021 Beginning the Journey Zac Potter January 1, 2021 This year I wanted to start a page sharing my personal writings, understandings and experiences with Life.In all these examinations, I will try to keep the utilitarian and oh-so-necessary focus of what can be enlightened for the purpose of “Good.”