Whether you believe in modern science's perspective on the origin of species or a more creationist view, we still all shared one womb in our past; we are indisputably family by blood.
The challenge is, can we both see and act on this heritage? Yes, we will immediately hear, “But they aren’t acting like family,” or “Do you know what foolish and hateful things they have done?”
We can of course pay hate back with hate and follow the old saying, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
But where does that take us and our posterity as a whole? Can a house divided in enmity and war also nurture its future?
We can discuss the various points of policy contention, but for true change that bears fruit, we must look at the root. We must begin with good intent toward our neighbor, and if this feels too distant a goal, we must begin with forgiveness (with appropriate boundaries).
If what motivates our fellow brother or sister toward insult and destruction is ignorance, we must wish Wisdom upon them—not to be drawn and quartered.
To find our We in this word full of I’s, we must rekindle our intent to Love each other. Sometimes this will be in the form of Nurturing Love—that gives despite whatever disruptions our neighbor might have caused—and other times this will be Tough Love, which creates boundaries, says no, and occasionally even disciplines. But these “Tough” actions must be led from the intent to Love—NOT to destroy.
In all this chaos, truly where we must start
is from a healthy heart.