The World Has A Sickness Only Love Can Heal

“The world has a sickness only Love can heal
Our path to wellness Wisdom alone can reveal”

These simple lines frame my perspective on the origin all of humanity’s deepest issues.

First: I am grateful for each breath that I’m blessed with and my identity as a fellow creature in the Garden of this world.

And, although natural disaster is a tragedy, the spirit of Life continues to overcome the forces of adversity through adaptation and unity.

But there is another enemy here in the Garden, and that is ourselves. Humanity continues to engage in rape, murder, slavery, beatings and theft. The forces of Life turning against themselves is the true sickness I see here in the Garden.

Is our sickness the vices of hate? Envy? Sloth? Foolishness? Bitterness?

What could heal these, but the Virtues of Love, Gratitude, Will, Wisdom and Grace?

I do believe that Love is the answer to our deepest sickness and Wisdom is the way to pursue True Love.
Because of this, they will be the first light I will seek in this story.

– C. Z. Potter